Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Free Brand New Laptop Computer

Are you interested in starting a business?

The Microbusiness Institute (MBI) at Pittsburgh Community Service Inc. is looking for people who're interested in starting their own business.

These classes/workshop are FREE and open to those who meet the CSBG eligibility requirements.

FastTrac Entrepreneur Training Program - 11 Week Course
(Meets Once a Week)

To become a successful entrepreneur you need passion for an idea, a business plan based on research & analysis and the persistence to pursue your dream. After completing this cutting-edge entrepreneurial development program you will have developed a workable and potentially fundable business plan. You will develop your own business plan.

If you successfully complete the program you will receive a BRAND NEW laptop computer and more.

To find out more requirements of the program contact:

Jasmine A. Ward
Executive Assistant/Microbusiness Institute (MBI) Specialist
(The Community Action Agency for the City of Pittsburgh)
1835 Centre Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Office: 412-392-6466
Cell: 412-610-5978

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